

It’s been a weird… month? 2 months? A year of quarantine? Some time not too long ago, I completely lost track of the days. Weekends lost their mojo… It’s all so surreal. Especially with movie theaters, coffee shops, concert halls- basically all my go-to spots- being closed. And no sports!

And while I’m doing my best to shirk off the constant waves of anxiety/depression like anyone else, I try to remind myself that life is both fragile and short. At the very least, I try to surround myself with joy and entertainment.

Aside from quality time with loved ones, and in between debates over shaving my head, here’s what I’ve been into lately:

  • The Last Dance: (ESPN) sports documentary miniseries on Michael Jordan and the Bulls. I was starved for any sports content as it was. The fact that it’s lived up to the hype and has been entertaining enough for even hold Kori’s attention makes it that much better. Last Dance has been a true gift during quarantine!

  • Better Call Saul: (AMC) Vince Gilligan is just a beast, plain and simple. As if Breaking Bad wasn’t enough, he had to go ahead and make the ultimate prequel too. Bob Odenkirk’s charisma and sheer watchability is off the charts as usual… Just a fun ride of a show. And loved this season’s finale! Can’t wait for more.

  • Little Fires Everywhere: (Hulu) Reece Weatherspoon squares off with Kerry Washington. It’s intelligent, thought provoking and at times, intense. We both enjoyed, although a few scenes were tough to watch. Overall very solid though. Great acting all around!

  • Bosch: (Amazon Prime) Police detective stuff. I’ve always loved the books and they’ve done a great job translating the stories to TV. Kori and I are only midway through the new season but are very much into it!

  • Sirius Radio: I’ve taken advantage of their free subscription promotion and loved every minute. There’s just something about the radio feel compared to Spotify. I like hearing a DJ walk me through the vibe and enjoy the human component. Makes everything better. So far, favorite channels have been Lithium, The Bridge, Beatles, and Coffee Shop (when it’s not playing cheesy ballots. If I hear ONE more Lewis Capaldi song…).

  • Carlin’s Corner: Ok so I just stumbled on this Sirius station, but 24/7 George Carlin standup deserves it’s own mention.

  • Jaws: (Novel) According to Stephen King, to write better you need to keep reading! As I write my book and chip away at the craft of storytelling, why not stick with the classics? Only half way through so far but count me as one satisfied customer.

  • Travis Barker - Can I Say: Normally on Instagram, I like watching quick inspiring guitar clips, guys like Mateus Asato or John Mayer. But this month, I stumbled onto Travis’ page (Blink-182 drummer) and forgot how talented he is. Then this weekend, I watched him and Post Malone unleash their Nirvana tribute for the World Health Organization and had to learn more about this guy. How’d he get so damn good? What was the whole surviving a plane crash experience like? And being a huge Blink-182 fan, I figured reliving their glory days vicariously would be a fun ride too. So I took a crack at his book and haven’t been able to put it down since. Some guys were born to be rockstars.

  • Interstellar, War of the Worlds - (Film) Apparently I’ve been on a sci-fi kick too. Who knows, something about the worldwide pandemic. Fun rewatches though.

Cancer LifeSteve